Spring Break Virtual Adventures – Wednesday, April 8

Hello, friends!

Buckle up! We’re blasting off to visit a place that I know you haven’t been to before: space! 

Have you ever wondered how astronauts live in space? How do they sleep? What do they eat? Why are they even living in space in the first place? If you’d like answers to those questions and more, check out this video tour of the International Space Station. It includes four videos. You could watch all of them or only the ones that interest you. 

  • Learn about daily life in these videos: 
    • “Station Tour: Harmony, Tranquility, Unity”
    • “Station Tour: Cupola and Leonardo.” 
  • Learn more about the laboratories and scientific work in these videos:
    • “Station Tour: Destiny, Columbus, Kibo”
    • “Station Tour: Zarya and Zvezda”

Maybe the thought living in the International Space Station reminds you a little too much of quarantine and you’d rather explore something bigger. Check out this video tour of the moon!